Practice MCQ Questions and Answer on Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M


The greatest 4-digit number exactly divisible by 10, 15, 20 is = ?

  • (A) 9990
  • (B) 9960
  • (C) 9980
  • (D) 9995


The least number which when divided by 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16 leaves remainder of 2 in each case is = ?

  • (A) 46
  • (B) 48
  • (C) 50
  • (D) 56


13, a, b, c are four distinct numbers and the HCF of each pair of numbers (13, a) ; (13, b) ; (13, c) is 13, where a, b, c are each less than 60 and a b c. What is the value of $$\frac{{{\text{a}} + {\text{c}}}}{{\text{b}}}?$$

  • (A) 3.5
  • (B) 2
  • (C) 5
  • (D) 4.5


If the sum of two numbers is 36 and their HCF and LCM are 3 and 105 respectively, the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is = ?

  • (A) $$\frac{2}{{35}}$$
  • (B) $$\frac{3}{{35}}$$
  • (C) $$\frac{4}{{35}}$$
  • (D) None of these


The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 8 and 48 respectively. If one of the number is 24, then the other number is = ?

  • (A) 48
  • (B) 36
  • (C) 24
  • (D) 16


Find the lowest common multiple of 24, 36 and 40.

  • (A) 120
  • (B) 240
  • (C) 360
  • (D) 480


The H.C.F of 2 × 3 × 5 × 7, 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 and 3 × 5 × 7 × 11 is = ?4233322

  • (A) 105
  • (B) 1155
  • (C) 2310
  • (D) 27720


The maximum number of students among whom 1001 pens and 910 pencils can be distributed in such a way that each student gets the same number of pens and same number of pencils is = ?

  • (A) 91
  • (B) 910
  • (C) 1001
  • (D) 1911


A number which when divided by 10 leaves a remainder of 9, when divided by 9 leaves a remainder of 8, and when divided by 8 leaves a remainder of 7, is = ?

  • (A) 1539
  • (B) 539
  • (C) 359
  • (D) 1359


HCF of $$\frac{2}{3}{\text{,}}\frac{4}{5}$$  and $$\frac{6}{7}$$ is = ?

  • (A) $$\frac{{48}}{{105}}$$
  • (B) $$\frac{2}{{105}}$$
  • (C) $$\frac{1}{{105}}$$
  • (D) $$\frac{{24}}{{105}}$$