Practice MCQ Questions and Answer on Idioms and Phrases


Do no trust a man who blows his own trumpet

  • (A) flatters
  • (B) praises others
  • (C) admonishes others
  • (D) praises himself


I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

  • (A) scolded me
  • (B) insulted me
  • (C) abused me
  • (D) ignored me


In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.

  • (A) die on a horse back
  • (B) die in the battlefield
  • (C) die while still working
  • (D) die with honour


To draw a bead upon

  • (A) To make prayers
  • (B) To cause hindrance in work
  • (C) To count the benefits
  • (D) To take aim at


Harassed by repeated acts of injustice. he decided to put his foot down.

  • (A) not to yield
  • (B) resign
  • (C) to accept the proposal unconditionally
  • (D) withdraw


He passed himself off as a noble man.

  • (A) Was regarded as
  • (B) Pretended to be
  • (C) Was thought to be
  • (D) Was looked upon


To break the ice

  • (A) To start quarreling
  • (B) To end the hostility
  • (C) To start a conversation
  • (D) To end up partnership


This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.

  • (A) going on slowly
  • (B) hotly debated
  • (C) stuck up
  • (D) ignored


Madhuri might scream blue murder, but I feel Deepali should get the promotion since she is better qualified for the job.

  • (A) Someone has been murdered with some blue liquid
  • (B) Someone is being murdered and has become blue
  • (C) Suffer from persecution complex
  • (D) Make a great deal of noise and object vehemently


To have brush with

  • (A) To start painting
  • (B) To have good and pleasing terms
  • (C) To be impressed
  • (D) To have a slight encounter